Stretch - One Half Locust

Recommendations: 1-2 Sets, 1-5 Reps

Beginner Quads Chest Stretching Body Only Gym Home

Purpose: To develop core strength of the lower and middle body.

Benefits: This is a squat using body weight alone.

Lie face down on an exercise mat on the floor. Place your left hand under your left hip to pad your hip and pubic bone. Bend your right knee so you can hold the foot in your right hand. This is your starting position. Slowly lift your right foot in the air. Simultaneously lift your shoulders off the floor. This also stretches the right hip flexor and the chest and shoulders. Breathe normally. Return to the upright kneeling position. Place your left hand under your left hip to pad your hip and pubic bone. Bend your right knee so you can hold the foot in your right hand. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions. Lie face down on an exercise mat on the floor. Place your right hand under your right hip to pad your hip and pubic bone. Bend your left knee so you can hold the foot in your right hand. This is your starting position. Slowly lift your left foot in the air. Simultaneously lift your shoulders off the floor. This also stretches the right hip flexor and the chest and shoulders. Breathe normally. Return to the upright kneeling position. Place your right hand under your right hip to pad your hip and pubic bone. Bend your left knee so you can hold the foot in your right hand. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.

The quads are a set of four muscles in the upper front thigh. All four muscles work to straighten the knee. One of the four (rectus femoris) also helps to bend the hip. Squats are considered a vital exercise for increasing the strength and size of the legs and butt.

Step 1

Lie face down on the floor and hold your right foot in your right hand.


Lie face down on an exercise mat on the floor. Place your left hand under your left hip to pad your hip and pubic bone. Bend your right knee so you can hold the foot in your right hand. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Lift your right foot in the air.


Slowly lift your right foot in the air. Simultaneously lift your shoulders off the floor. This also stretches the right hip flexor and the chest and shoulders. Breathe normally.

Step 3

Return to the starting position.


Return to the upright kneeling position. Place your left hand under your left hip to pad your hip and pubic bone. Bend your right knee so you can hold the foot in your right hand. Repeat as required.

Step 4

Lie face down on the floor and hold your left foot in your left hand.


Lie face down on an exercise mat on the floor. Place your right hand under your right hip to pad your hip and pubic bone. Bend your left knee so you can hold the foot in your right hand. This is your starting position.

Step 5

Lift your left foot in the air.


Slowly lift your left foot in the air. Simultaneously lift your shoulders off the floor. This also stretches the right hip flexor and the chest and shoulders. Breathe normally.

Step 6

Return to the starting position.


Return to the upright kneeling position. Place your right hand under your right hip to pad your hip and pubic bone. Bend your left knee so you can hold the foot in your right hand. Repeat as required.